Sunday, June 15, 2008

Focus: Brittini Marshelle Hardcastle

Felony Kidnapping with intent to terrorize and/or cause bodily injury
Misdemeanor battery
Tampering with a witness

17-years old

Is being represented by a public defender, as opposed to a private attorney

Once lived in Perry County, Kentucky

Can be seen in the video locking the front door when the lights are off.

Has a sister, Elizabeth Hardcastle, in Kentucky

Is the most violent assailant in the beating

Is the one wearing the pink pants in the video

Physically blocked the front door and held onto the doorknob while telling the victim: "No, you're not leaving."

Took a final still photograph (click here to see it) after the beating while Tori was packing her belongings

Her father has a lengthy criminal record (click here to see information on his most recent arrest)
She herself has no unsealed criminal records prior to this beating

Currently lives with her mother in her grandfather's, Charles Platt's, residence (the residence is listed in his name only)

House arrest lifted on June 26th.

Re-established contact with Mercades Nichols after a long absence just seven days before the beating took place. Click here to see a comment she posted on Mercades' MySpace page just seven days before the beating took place asking "what's new."

Was very stonefaced most of the time at her bond hearing. Did show some emotion (pursing of lips and closing eyes) when the judge said she was setting bond at $30,000

Will likely face actual prison time if convicted of all the charges.

Does she have a tendency to commit violence?

How severe is her anger management problem?

Why did she harbor so much ill feeling toward the victim?

Was this her first time assaulting and battering someone?

Was she typically a bully, or was she someone who was bullied?

She has several abandoned MySpace accounts, why did she constantly register new ones?

Why did she care so much about who Tori was allegedly dating?

Did she intimidate and/or manipulate the other assailants into participating?

Current MySpace Account
Old MySpace #1
Old MySpace #2
Old MySpace #3
Newer photos of Brittini taken after the beating and posted on the MySpace of her boyfriend's mother

(Note that for some reason she registers her MySpace accounts under BRITTNI and not BRITTINI)


Diane said...

I like your blog. I'm interested in finding more information on April Cooper. I believe she was the youngest of the bunch. It seems that all the girls, or most, have broken homes and/or loser parents.

Anonymous said...

What will eventually happen one day is some who actually got hands about themselves will crack these little bitches craniums. I say that because its obvious that a few of these scunts actually think they got hands about themselves, like,they can actually fight. Oh please. These lil bitches would cower in a corner out of fear if some of the bitches that I know would lay hands on one of these bitches. They would be far more scared than Victoria. Does it make it right? Im not saying it does, but, we do live in a violent world and we do live in a world where its a tooth for a tooth and seeing how these scavengers got probation (luckily escaped adult jail) I doubt they learned shit from it, but, a good old ass whooping would do they trick. I know they would deny it but thats only because they not from the hood and never actually been in a real fight before. They had to JUMP that girl knowing she wasnt gonna fight back much less know how which makes them bitches high powered cowards. Id love to see either April or Brittani cower, protecting their face, never daring to hit back Shaniqua,Shay Shay, or Zeatha. Them bitches would get molly-whopped. They wouldnt even elevate their voices much less extend their arm to connect. Little funky pussy girls, hot in the ass girls, take yall sissy "lets gang up on one chick" assess on somewhere, cowards.