Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Focus: Stephen Thomas Schumaker

Charges (now Nolle Prosequi/dropped):
Felony Kidnapping with intent to terrorize and/or cause bodily injury
Misdemeanor battery

18-years old.

A neighbor of Mercades Nichols and Zachary Ashley.

Was alleged to have been a lookout.

Was not seen or heard on the released portions of the video.

Quickly denied involvement shortly after posting bond.

Initially claimed he overheard the girls discussing "jumping" the victim.

Initially claimed he was sitting on the porch of Zachary Ashley's residence during the beating.

Initially claimed he witnessed the victim get into Mercades Nichols' car.

Some of the girls got into a car with him as the driver and he followed Mercades' car.

Initially claimed that Kayla Hassall, Cara Murphy, and April Cooper showed him five different videos of the incident as well as still photos while they were in the car with him.

He changed his story after the interrogation recorder was turned on according to the police report.

Claims after the recorder was turned on that they did not plan the beating in advance.

Family claims that he went to get gas before the beating started, and therefore was not present during the beating.

The surveillance tape of the gas station he claimed to be at was recorded over by the time police tried to obtain it.

Analysis and speculation:
Seemed to be deceptive and evasive to police, which is an indicator of guilt.

His MySpace (public)

1 comment:

UTubeDetective said...

Since when do police give you the Maranda Rights, have a pre recorded interview and then have a recorded interview?

You would serve yourself best by stating according to Detective Ricky Newman Stephen said so and so instead of saying Stephen said so and so.

Be more precise in your analysis.