Monday, June 30, 2008

Focus: Mercades Nicole Nichols

Felony Kidnapping with intent to terrorize and/or cause bodily injury
Misdemeanor battery
Tampering with a witness

Facts and background:
17-years old.

Sitting on couch in front of window during the beating.

Was not seen hitting the victim in any of the released video.

Granddaughter of Mary Nichols, who is the owner of the property where the incident occurred.

Alleged to have been the driver of the kidnap car.

Is alleged to be the ringleader of the planning. Her lawyer denies that she was a ringleader.

Is the voice saying "don't hit the shelf" in the video.

Her bond was posted by a staff person of the Dr. Phil television show.

Has prior run-ins with the law, including allegations of violence, but nothing that was put on her record aside from civil infractions for traffic offenses.

Had a miscarriage at the age of 16.

Has had an unstable upbringing.

Analysis and speculation:
If it can be proven that she was in fact the driver of the kidnap car, she will face prison time. It seems unlikely she will try for a plea deal or cooperate with prosecutors due to the combative tone of her lawyer, Jamez Holz, who fully intends to take this to trial.

She likely has anger management issues stemming from feelings of abandonment. Her father apparently left her life at the behest of his new significant other. This may also explain her apparent vindictive and manipulative nature. Her mother, Christina Garcia, alleges in her MySpace page that Mercades' father once punched Mercades in the jaw.

She appears to have been close at one point with Brittini Hardcastle. There are a couple photos of them together on her MySpace page, and also a shout out in her blog.

Her MySpace (public)

Friday, June 27, 2008

Focus: Kayla Marie Hassall

Felony Kidnapping with intent to terrorize and/or cause bodily injury
Misdemeanor battery

15-years old.

Wearing a blue top in the video.

Was not seen hitting the victim in any of the released videos.

Was a cheerleader at Mulberry High School.

Gave a deposition with the State Attorney's Office on June 11.

Was with Mercades Nichols on the day of the arrests according to the police report.

Gave Talisa Lindsay, the victim's step-mother, sarcasm and excuses when confronted about the video according to the police report.

Will cut a deal and testify against the others. Has already begun to cooperate with the prosecution.

Deposition Summary:
On June 11, Kayla discussed the case with prosecutors in a deposition.

She claims Stephen Schumaker and Zachary Ashley were NOT lookouts. She claims she was able to see the porch from the window and that nobody was there.

She claims there was no plan to post the video to YouTube or MySpace.

She claims Brittni Hardcastle requested a copy of the video. She claims she did not oblige such a request.

She expresses remorse for the incident, and says she would "sit down with" and/or "write a letter to" the victim if she were allowed (pre-trial conditions currently forbid her from doing so).

She claims she feared being hit by Brittini Hardcastle, and that is why she did not help the victim. Kayla can however be seen getting in the face of the victim and yelling at her in the video.

She says only one device was used to capture the incident on video: her mother's phone.

She admits that capturing the incident on video escalated the situation.

She says she was mad about the news coverage and claims to have received death threats.

She claims April Cooper contacted her saying she had told police that she had not seen the victim for a month, and instructed Kayla to do the same. Kayla claims that she refused to oblige April's demand.

She claims that when Mercades Nichols was driving her and the other girls to the house prior to the incident Mercades made negative remarks about the victim and was looking for a way to make her stop staying with her.

She claims she and the victim were involved in a spat in school over a boy. Kayla references a "Demarcus" in the video while yelling at the victim.

Her MySpace

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Focus: April Nicole Cooper

Felony Kidnapping with intent to terrorize and/or cause bodily injury
Misdemeanor battery

15-years old (recently turned 15).
Wearing a red t-shirt in the video.
Second-most violent of the assailants.
Slammed the victim's head into a wall.
Has had altercations with the victim's sister, Kelsie.
Hit the victim on at least three separate occasions.
Has past school truancies on record.
Has indications of violent tendencies on an old MySpace profile.
Is/was close friends with Brittany Mayes
Waited in the bedroom for the victim to arrive.

Will get incarcerated, but likely will not go to state prison. The judge will likely send her to an alternate facility or county jail because of her age. Normally, felons are sent to state prison.

Did not appear to want to or intend to imprison the victim like Brittini Hardcastle did. She told the victim to leave after the initial beating on the bed.

Showed a disturbing lack of remorse during her bond hearing, struggling to hold back laughter. This indicates that she does not truly understand what mess she has gotten herself into.

Her main issue with the victim appeared to be alleged pejorative comments made about her on MySpace and other venues.

She appeared to have been set off when Hardcastle said the word "Elmer" after the victim demanded they name a person she copulated with.

What caused her obvious anger management issues?
Is this her first time using violence?
Is she young enough to be rehabilitated?
Did she play a role in the planning/conspiracy?

Her MySpace
Old MySpace #1 (Public)
Old MySpace #2
Support page run by family

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Focus: Brittany Nicole Mayes

Felony Kidnapping with intent to terrorize and/or cause bodily injury
Misdemeanor battery
Tampering with a witness

17-years old.

The operator of the camera/camera device in the two released video segments.

No unsealed criminal history prior to this case in Polk County.

Can be heard exclaiming "Oooh, yeah baby yeah" several times on both released video segments and "17 seconds left make it good."

Was the only one visibly crying at the bond hearing.

Was not bonded out until two days after the other girls were bonded out of the Polk County jail.

Was one of the defendants in the vehicle that Tori was allegedly forced into.

Tori alleged that Mayes hit her five times at one point, although this is not seen on the two released video segments.

Will likely turn state's witness against the other defendants. As she was in the car with Mercades, Brittini, and Tori, her testimony to corroborate the kidnapping and tampering with a witness charges would be crucial.

Would face a lighter sentence if convicted because she showed the largest amount of remorse initially.

The prosecutor will likely try to use the comments she made in the video to try and paint her as ruthless and sadistic.

Why does she seemingly express extreme pleasure whenever Tori is assaulted?
Why did she dislike Tori so much that she was willing to actively participate in her victimization?
Is the remorse that she showed genuine?
Does she regret her part in victimizing Tori?

Her MySpace
Old MySpace (Public)
Old MySpace #2 (Public)
Old MySpace #3 (Public)
Her photobucket

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Focus: Brittini Marshelle Hardcastle

Felony Kidnapping with intent to terrorize and/or cause bodily injury
Misdemeanor battery
Tampering with a witness

17-years old

Is being represented by a public defender, as opposed to a private attorney

Once lived in Perry County, Kentucky

Can be seen in the video locking the front door when the lights are off.

Has a sister, Elizabeth Hardcastle, in Kentucky

Is the most violent assailant in the beating

Is the one wearing the pink pants in the video

Physically blocked the front door and held onto the doorknob while telling the victim: "No, you're not leaving."

Took a final still photograph (click here to see it) after the beating while Tori was packing her belongings

Her father has a lengthy criminal record (click here to see information on his most recent arrest)
She herself has no unsealed criminal records prior to this beating

Currently lives with her mother in her grandfather's, Charles Platt's, residence (the residence is listed in his name only)

House arrest lifted on June 26th.

Re-established contact with Mercades Nichols after a long absence just seven days before the beating took place. Click here to see a comment she posted on Mercades' MySpace page just seven days before the beating took place asking "what's new."

Was very stonefaced most of the time at her bond hearing. Did show some emotion (pursing of lips and closing eyes) when the judge said she was setting bond at $30,000

Will likely face actual prison time if convicted of all the charges.

Does she have a tendency to commit violence?

How severe is her anger management problem?

Why did she harbor so much ill feeling toward the victim?

Was this her first time assaulting and battering someone?

Was she typically a bully, or was she someone who was bullied?

She has several abandoned MySpace accounts, why did she constantly register new ones?

Why did she care so much about who Tori was allegedly dating?

Did she intimidate and/or manipulate the other assailants into participating?

Current MySpace Account
Old MySpace #1
Old MySpace #2
Old MySpace #3
Newer photos of Brittini taken after the beating and posted on the MySpace of her boyfriend's mother

(Note that for some reason she registers her MySpace accounts under BRITTNI and not BRITTINI)

Source materials

The source materials of the case released thus far.

Video segment #1, second in chronological order of the event

Video segment #2, first in chronological order of the event

Initial press release by the Polk County Sheriff's Office (PDF)

Police interview with the victim, Victoria Lindsay, 2 April 2008

Second police interview with the victim, 7 April 2008

Police interview with witness Christine Dorsett, 8 April 2008

Bond hearing, 11 April 2008

Family of the assailants at bond hearing, 11 April 2008

Kayla Hassall deposition with prosecutors, 11 June 2008

Written statements by the victim and some assailants, 31 March 2008

911 call from the victim just after the beating

13 page police report, 14 April 2008

Photos of the victim after the beating, including the one taken by Brittini Hardcastle

State Attorney's Office affidavits charging the assailants as adults

Police affidavits charging the assailants as juveniles


This blog will be updated regularly with information about the YouTube beating case in which six girls and two boys allegedly participated or were an accomplice to a beating and kidnapping of 16-year old Victoria "Tori" Lindsay on 30 March, 2008. This will also serve as an information clearinghouse and I will sometimes give my analysis of aspects of the case.

If you know anyone involved in this case and would like to pass along some information you can contact me at tracingthemotive [at] hushmail [dot] com. I will keep things off the record if requested, and note that I will independently verify information before I blog about it. I am interested in hearing from people on both sides of this case, or even neutral people who know information about the case.